

NHENTIA is known as NO3-N+NO2-N. It is a type of soluble plant nutrient that helps reduce disease and increase yields. The only nitrates that should be added are those that are derived from natural sources. Do not use synthetic products containing N, P, K, or S. Use high quality composted manure.

Phosporus (P)

P is used as a general term for phosphorous elements. It is a necessary ingredient of all plant tissue and a major constituent of nucleotides, DNA and RNA. It is a powerful fertilizer that supports the formation of protein and enzymes that allow for continued growth. Plants require a minimum amount of phosphorus in order to live and it serves as a cofactor for many different metabolic processes. It also increases the strength of stems and roots. If your soil lacks phosphorus, adding it directly to your soil or supplementing it with a liquid fertilizer may help.

Potassium (K)

K is a necessary for all forms of cellular nutrition and is important in the storage of energy reserves in cells. Potassium is a major cation in both animals and plants. In addition, it is involved in numerous reactions in the body including muscle contraction, nerve transmission, enzyme activation, osmoregulation, and maintaining fluid balance. When it comes to growing cannabis, it serves as a building block for fatty acids, proteins, and nucleotides. Adding potassium to your soil or using a foliar spray promotes strong leafy growth.

Calcites/Gypsum (CaO + MgO)

This is a very commonly used mineral fertilizer that is available in granular form. It contains trace amounts of sulfur, iron, nickel, copper, zinc, manganese, boron, molybdenum, and aluminum. It is best to add calcites to acidic soils and if you have alkaline soils, add limestone instead. Limestone is a less expensive alternative to calcites. Both lime and calcites improve soil structure and hold moisture longer than clay soils do. NHENTIA

Zinc (Zn)

Zinc is a micronutrient and is present in smaller amounts than any of the other macronutrients. It is most abundant in grains, nuts, legumes, meats, and dairy products. Zinc is a catalytic agent and assists in the breakdown and utilization of food. It is also responsible for bone marrow production, sperm production, and sexual function. Zinc is also important in the synthesis of nucleic acid, hormones, and antibodies.

Boron (B)

Boron is a micronutrients and is an essential part of the human diet. B is also an activator of enzymes and is especially useful for increasing plant height. It is the second most abundant metal in the earth’s crust and occurs naturally in rocks, sand, and soil. Most borates are obtained commercially as sodium metaborate. To get the exact amount of boron your plant requires, use a specific test kit. NHENTIA

Copper (Cu)

Copper is an essential microelement that is required in small quantities for essential enzyme activities in humans and some plants.


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