

1. Water

 Water is the primary component needed for growth, survival, and reproduction. Water is present in everything we see around us, including our bodies and the surrounding environment. When it comes to cannabis, water is just as important, if not more so. Cannabis requires significant amounts of water to survive and thrive. In order to produce flowers, buds, and oils, the plant needs a constant supply of water. If your cannabis plant starts going dormant due to lack of water, then you’ll notice its leaves turning yellow and wilting. Iccwc

 2. Carbon Dioxide

 Carbon dioxide is a gas that gives plants their color. It is responsible for helping the plant create chlorophyll, a pigment that helps the plant convert sunlight into energy. Without enough carbon dioxide in the air, plants won’t grow properly. The best way to provide this gas to your plant is by using a CO2 generator. A CO2 generator provides a steady flow of carbon dioxide and increases yields by 30%.

 3. Humidity

 Humidity is another essential factor in cannabis cultivation. It provides moisture to the plant and is necessary for maintaining proper temperatures. Plants need humidity to help them maintain a healthy look and feel. When exposed to low levels of humidity, cannabis leaves tend to turn yellow and wilt. As mentioned before, a good way to increase humidity is to use a humidifier. Iccwc

 4. Light

 Light is the fuel that powers the cannabis plant. During the flowering stage, cannabis plants require 12 hours of direct sun exposure per day. Too much shade or insufficient light can cause plants to stop developing buds.

 5. Air circulation

 Air circulation encourages the growth of roots and stems. It also prevents excess buildup of mold and fungus. During the flowering stage of cannabis plants, they require 20% air movement per hour. An exhaust fan should be placed near the center of the room where the cannabis plants are being grown.

1. Cannabis

 Cannabis (Marijuana) is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant native to Central Asia and southwest China. Its natural range includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, New Zealand and Samoa. It is cultivated in many countries worldwide as both a fiber source and a recreational drug. In some jurisdictions, its legal status varies depending on whether it is grown for medical or recreational purposes, or both. Iccwc

 2. Weed

 Weed is a term for any non-hybridized, genetically uniform plant that reproduces vegetatively through cloning, layering, or division. Commonly seen weeds are various species of grasses, legumes, and small annual herbs. A weed is not necessarily unwanted; some gardeners enjoy growing them as ornamental plants. Sometimes, however, weeding is necessary to maintain an orderly appearance and keep undesired plants out of places where they are unsightly or dangerous. Weeds may harm crops if allowed to remain close to food crops or desirable flowers or shrubs. Iccwc

 3. Marijuana

 A type of cannabis sativa, marijuana (or marihuana) is a psychoactivesubstance produced naturally by certain plants belonging to the genus Cannabis, especially Cannabis sativa and C. indica. It is often referred to simply as pot, though the specific meaning is unclear. It is derived from the Sanskrit word bhang (), which means “mind” or “intoxication�?.

 4. THC

 THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary active ingredient responsible for producing the psychological effects associated with using cannabis. THC can vary considerably between different strains of cannabis, ranging from less than 1% to over 20%. Different varieties of cannabis contain higher amounts of THC, while others have much lower levels. The amount of THC in a particular strain of cannabis is known as its potency. Iccwc

 5. CBD

 CBD stands for cannabidiol, a chemical compound that occurs naturally in the hemp plant. CBD does not produce any kind of intoxication or feeling of being high. Rather, it offers relief without inducing hallucinations or paranoia. CBD was first discovered in 1940, but only in recent years has research begun to show that CBD could possibly help treat epilepsy. CBD is the second most commonly occurring cannabinoid after THC.

 6. Cannabinoid Receptors

 The brain contains two types of receptors, CB1 and CB2, that respond to cannabinoids in the body. These receptors are located throughout our bodies, including in our brains, organs, bones, muscles, glands, skin, immune system, and reproductive organs. When these receptors interact in a particular way, they trigger changes in the function of cells throughout the body. There is no evidence that they cause cancer, although they do play significant roles in appetite, pain perception, memory, mood regulation, addiction, fertility, endocrine balance, and cellular communication. Water is the primary component needed for growth, survival, and reproduction. Water is present in everything we see around us, including our bodies and the surrounding environment.

 7. Dopamine

 Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, or hormone messenger, released by neurons of the reward pathway in the brain. Dopamine activates pleasure centers in the brain, causing us to seek out pleasurable experiences and rewarding activities. By enhancing dopamine release, marijuana increases our desire for sex, drugs, and alcohol.


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