14 Days From Today

14 days from today


 Airtime is a mobile app that allows you to create and manage a digital wallet where users can pay you for things using their phone number. Airtime lets you take payments, offers discounts for repeat purchases, and track transactions. All businesses require some form of digital payment processing, but Airtime makes it easier for small businesses to accept online payments through the mobile platform. With this service, you can charge monthly fees, set minimums, apply discounts, track spending, and much more.


Shopify is an online store builder that helps you design a beautiful custom eCommerce site without any coding knowledge. To help you get started right away, they offer a 14 day free trial. Their intuitive interface gives you full control over your store and its look and feel. They allow you to add your own products, modify themes, and develop landing pages. They even let you try different marketing tools to experiment with different types of advertising.


 Stripe is a fully integrated, end-to-end SaaS solution that empowers developers to launch and run scalable subscription-based web and mobile applications. Stripe allows you to accept payments online or offline by connecting directly to merchants’ bank accounts. It is simple to integrate into existing websites and apps, and doesn’t involve writing code. It works seamlessly with all popular web technologies including Ruby on Rails, Laravel, PHP,.NET and iOS/Android SDKs.14 Days From Today

Google AdWords

 Google AdWords is another great tool to monetize your blog. Google AdWords is a paid advertising program sponsored by Google. The goal of Google AdWords is to drive targeted traffic to advertisers’ websites. Google will match keywords typed into search engines with text advertisements, called “ad campaigns”. Publishers bid on ad campaign keywords and display them when the user searches for those terms. When someone clicks on one of these ads, he visits the advertiser’s website. Advertisers are charged based on the amount of time spent viewing the ad. 14 Days From Today

Get into shape

 When I was in college, I started working out seriously. I started walking 20 minutes daily, going to the gym, and doing cardio. I’m not saying I am a fitness guru, but I definitely saw some progress. Once I started exercising regularly, my body began to change. My energy levels increased, and I felt better. I would say this is the best investment I could ever make to improve my life.14 Days From Today

Learn a language

 Want to learn a language? There are several apps you can download onto your phone or computer that allow you to practice listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. Some languages are easier to learn than others, so it may take less time to speak German than Spanish. However, there are many different factors to consider before diving headfirst into learning a language. For example, you should try to learn at least two foreign languages, and preferably three or four. This way, you can communicate with natives while you are traveling. Speaking multiple languages can sometimes even lead to career opportunities later in life.

Start investing in real estate

 Most millennials are looking to purchase their first house. Unfortunately, buying a home can be very expensive. Buying a home requires a significant chunk of your income, which limits your financial options. Instead of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars upfront, save what you can by putting down as little as 10 percent. It won’t cover the original cost of the property, but it will help you build equity and pay off the rest of your debt. The longer you spend saving, the more you will end up making once you invest.

 Become a dog walker

 Dog walking is a great side hustle because it offers flexibility. You can schedule walks around your day, whether that means getting paid once every week or twice per month. Many pet owners are looking for additional sources of income, so they turn to dog walking to earn extra cash when they are not able to care for their pets during the day. Use websites like Rover to start pet sitting and then transition to dog walking.


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